SCQF Level 6 Scottish Certificate for Personal License Holders Refreasher
Half Day Course

To work in a licensed establishment it is not a mandatory requirement that you have a personal license holder (refresher) qualification however it may make you more appealing and employable if you hold up to date and relevant certification. By having this qualification it will demonstrate to an employer that you can work responsibly when dealing with alcohol.  It is essential that individuals are encouraged to undertake training that will make them more employable as those with relevant and up to date knowledge, skills and certificates are likely to meet desirable criteria for employers recruiting staff as they are more “job ready”. Having industry recognised certificates can also help sustain employment and be a positive step towards job progression, should the opportunity arise.


With the uncertainty of what Brexit will hold for the UK it is imperative that we ensure we are offering training that will lead individuals to the sector and retain them as there is likely to be a skills shortage gap once we leave the EU.


The SCPLH-R is a half day course with a multiple-choice exam, very similar to the format of the existing SCPLH. In order to keep yourself up to date and refreshed with any changes in legislation or industry the SCPLH-R should be completed every 5 years.


You will be issued with a self-study SQA handbook prior to the course and you should bring this with you to refer to when you attend the actual session. One workbook will cover both the SCPLH and the SCPLH-R, and this will highlight which elements need to be covered in the delivery for Refresher.

Entrant should have already obtained a full SCPLH certificate and hold a Personal License to undertake this refresher course.

Qualification Gained: The qualification gained through this course is SQA SCPLH-R.

Enquire today to register you interest.

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Course Breakdown:
The information below outlines the content withing this course:
The qualification consists of 3 mandatory units to the Scottish Personal Licence Holder and the candidate will be provided with a clear understanding of the framework of law and regulations which underpin the responsibilities of the personal licence holder.
The Refresher course focuses on aspects of the main course which it was felt should be "refreshed". For example, some of technical detail which exists in the main SCPLH is not repeated in the SCPLH-R (such as the requirement to obtain certificates of suitability under s.50 of the 2005 Act). The course will be fully updated to take account of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Act 2010 as well as other significant developments.